Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City?

JOB HUNT ROUND #3- I don't know how much more I can take. 
scoping out the newspaper for job ads.

The weather for the next couple days.   

I'm sick and tired of the rain, bring on the summer sunshine please :) 

28ish days till Autumn comes to MI
32 days till Sophie comes to MI
46 days till my birthday!
49 days till PA, and HP 7 part 2! 

I found my sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 movie today! I've only been looking for it for almost 2 years.... I left it at Sydney's. Long story short I'm glad its back! Now I can watch it! whoop whoop!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's time to say goodbye to turning tables.

I am now a proud owner of my very own roller blades!! They may not be brand new, but thanks to Jordan and Sydney they're all mine! 

On my new roller blades Jordan and I went 12 miles! 12 miles! 12 miles! can you believe it? I can't. (Just kidding I can) 

 Its the glee finale. Yes I'm currently watching it. Don't judge me.  

I just found out that pickles have zero calories! It was literally the best thing I've ever read. For those of you who do not like pickles, you don't know what you're missing. Like seriously. I could eat them all day everyday. But that might get old real fast.  

Dancing with the stars season finale is also on tonight! Same time as glee finale, so I've been switching channels during glee commercials. (sorry glee is more important)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pull on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames tonight, yeah baby

I've decided to steal this idea from Autumn because it was such good one. As she mentioned we are gonna get kitty cats when we get an apartment!!! Autumn wants to name her kitty Bandit, but I want to name mine Lucy. And she'll be cute and fuzzy and all mine. 
so adorable, i want it now!

Dearest Mother Nature,
While I was walking home from Unci's house today you decided to make it down pour, needless to say I was soaked. Later when I decided to go on a run you made it pour again. You couldn't have waited till I was home to make it rain??? So I was soaked yet again. TWICE IN ONE DAY! vhat is this bull crap woman?
Love, Jaime

my new favorite song!
I'm obsessed.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I want someone to love me, for who I am.

Happy Birthday, Jason!!
he's and oldie moldie.

oovooing with Autumn, oh and Jeff too.

Its a sad sad day, Harry Potter weekend is finally ending.
(tear, tear)
54 days till Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2!
I get so excited just thinking about it.

lets all pretend we're on big happy family.

Yippee! I'm finally babysitting tomorrow. So its only for my two cousins, Eva, and Jackson but it is moneys in me pocket!

50 days till muh birthdayyy!
lets get rowdy

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dance the night away, Live your life and stay young on the floor.

(I might just pee myself)

In other news today is suppose to be almost 80!
welcome back summer weather :)
 time to pull out the swimsuits, and the beach towels.
oh don't forget the suncreen either!!

Breaking news!
My high school principal got fired for having pornographic images on his computer.
you can read the story if you'd like.

May 21st, 2011: The world is suppose to end today.
it better not.

yeaahh I saw this live.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rockin' Robin tweet, tweet

My body woke up at 10:00 a.m. but I wasn't mentally ready to wake up.

bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzzz, was the sound of my cell phone ringing. I look to see who it was and it was Unci calling. To make a long story short she asked if I wanted to go to Mcdonald's and I couldn't refuse.

1. A six piece chicken nugget
2. A small fry
3. An apple pie

Okay, okay, its not the healthiest lunch, but it was good.

So! I go to gamestop today in hopes that they'll have the Simpsons hit and run game, and I'm in luck! They have it, so I go ahead and buy it. I come home all excited to play it when all of a sudden it DOESN'T WORK!  

<-- Its like the gamecube won't allow me to play it :(

       now i have to go back and return it.

Stupid game, I didn't want to play you anyways. 

Skyping with Sophia!

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want"

Alright, I've decided to give this blogging thing another go.

Job hunt #2 consisted of 
-Applying to Hungry Howies 
-Asking about TCBY application
-Apply to Coney Island

but i really wanna work at hungry howies... 

only 49 days until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2! 
Yeah, we made shirts.

Do you want to know the best part? 
I get to go to Pennsylvania and see with with this crazy girl named Autumn.  

This concludes today's first blog post!