Tuesday, April 12, 2011

He see's everything black and white

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know 

AHH! i found my old taylor swift cd's. 
So i thought today would be a t-swift kind of day!
16 DAYS till schools out...
no more seeing my roomie everyday. 
no more adventures with Autumn and Justin
no more acting like children and making forts, and playing with playdoh 
aw shucks thats sad :(

<--- That was taken at bronco bash way back in September!
and look at us now!

I'm really gonna miss this kid, even though her parents pay me to be her friend.... JUST KIDDING! 

 I'm hoping summer will go by fast.. but not too fast, i do like being at home!

This picture was taken last weekend! --->

Oh poop. 
its 3:09 I've got a math exam at 3:30
It's time to put on my confidence hat and pass!

well i hope i'll pass.... 

Adios my fellow classmates
I'm off to take my math exam!
wish me luck!

i really need it!


  1. I love those kinda days. Well not the days when I have a math exam but the days when I find something I misplaced! Its like its new again and you can relike something even though you have had it forever! Well I hope your still enjoying the CD and I hope your math exam went well! Nice pictures too I love making the blog interesting and fun! Have a good weekend!

  2. I love all your pictures you and Autumn have like the best blogs out of anyone. Seriously you guys have the cutest blogs. I like looking at yours because they are so interesting and all the pictures you use. I think that it's awesome all the prints and pictures does it take you like a lot of time to do all of these? I really just wanted to say how great your blogs are and that I absolutely love that CD by Taylor Swift. I am sad to that school is ending but I am also excited to get back home and work and see all my friends but then I also hope that the summer goes fast so I can quickly get right back up here and see all my new friends. :)

  3. Jaime,

    I am very touched that you have two pictures of me and you. were such cute little friends! :) I really REALLY am going to miss you over the summer and i still dont even know what im going to do with out you by my side.

    love you

