Thursday, April 14, 2011

mmm goood.

Big boy
makes me say oh boy!  
Classroom Activities
In class today we did peer review. I like peer review because it helps me get a better understanding of my paper.
I like it when my peers read my paper and give me advice on how to improve. 
I also like peer review days because they're easy. We read their papers and then continue to edit our own.
I also got a chance to fix my own paper, and edit my footnotes!
I'd say it was a very productive day.

15 days... 
I'm still not sure how i feel about that. 

Last night we took and adventure down the railroad tracks.
Me, Autumn, Justin, and Ty decided to take a walk along the railroad tracks after we went to burger king. I had just finished my soda and threw it out while Ty brought is along for the road. We were having lots and lots of fun. Skipping stones in the water, and throwing them along the track to see if they would spark. Then we hear a weird rustling sound under the bridge.  
"Ty go check it out," said Justin.
"No way man," squeaked Ty. 
"Jaime, you go see," said Autumn.
"Are you on crack?! you go see! 
"No way man, that's scary," shrieked Autumn. 
So we just kept walking because we were all too scared to check it out. 
"Autumn stop dragging your feet. It's annoying," I mentioned.
"It's not me!" she said.
I turned around and notice that there was a crazy hobo man following us! 
chooo! chooo! 
We could hear the train in the distance so Autumn and I ran past the crazy hobo man and didn't look back. We left Ty and Justin to fend for themselves. Next we see Justin running and screaming past  us. 
"see ya!" he shouted. 
So now it was Ty vs. the hobo. Ty had the drink, and the hobo was super thirsty. Ty forgot to turn around and just kept running in the direction towards the train. The hobo was getting uncomfortably close to Ty, but he refused to give up his soda. 
Choooo! chooo!
The train was getting closer and Ty still wasn't back yet. 
The next thing we hear is a SPLAT....and that was the end of Ty. The crazy hobo man picked up Ty's drink and shouted "YIPPEE MY FAVORITE." And started skipping down the tracks. 

Just kidding no one died. But the crazy hobo man was real! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jaime,

    first i put my comment on the wrong post, but I still wanna comment on this one

    The train track story is a lot more dramatic then i remember it being. haha but hey its you, your way more dramatic then I could ever be. Maybe the story seemed like that in your Point of view but hey what ever

    and i was going to write POV for point of view but i wanted to make sure i got every word worth out of this.

    cause i think its 100 words now

    happy blogging :)
