Thursday, April 21, 2011

Regrets and mistakes, they're memories made

This is my new favorite song
I heard it on mtv's video countdown
I've been listening to it non stop!

Yesterday we went to Meijers! 
I bought some string...
To make friendship bracelets! 
8 days left.
i'm not sure how i feel about going home anymore. 

Time to make these last few days the greatest days ever. 

also time to study my brains out 

my brain is literally gonna fry.

I really enjoyed this class.
I would say that it was probably my favorite. 

have a goooood summer.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Babyy you've been driving me crazayy.

Top 10 college memories.

1. Meeting Autumn! 

 Autumn was my first friend at college! I sat down at her table because I didn't want to eat alone. She commented on my shoes, I noticed she had the exact same pair, just in black.

(our first photo)  

2. Bronco Bash 

 Hanging out with Autumn, and Cassan was always fun. I'm so glad she sat down at Autumn's table! If she didn't we might not have become friends!

3. Welcome to Narnia 

The trips to Narnia we're always fun.  

  4. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows!  
 hmm yeah we saw Harry Potter at midnight. OH! we also made shirts.

5.  A trip to U of M 

I didn't see my friends for a whole month! going to U of M for the Michigan vs. State game was a lot of fun! 

6. Meeting Sodapop.
We have an interesting relationship.    

7. Making Forts.         

8. My new favorite song: 

  9. watching Jon and Kate plus 8 with autumn. 

10. playin robot unicorn! :) 

this concludes my top ten list.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

mmm goood.

Big boy
makes me say oh boy!  
Classroom Activities
In class today we did peer review. I like peer review because it helps me get a better understanding of my paper.
I like it when my peers read my paper and give me advice on how to improve. 
I also like peer review days because they're easy. We read their papers and then continue to edit our own.
I also got a chance to fix my own paper, and edit my footnotes!
I'd say it was a very productive day.

15 days... 
I'm still not sure how i feel about that. 

Last night we took and adventure down the railroad tracks.
Me, Autumn, Justin, and Ty decided to take a walk along the railroad tracks after we went to burger king. I had just finished my soda and threw it out while Ty brought is along for the road. We were having lots and lots of fun. Skipping stones in the water, and throwing them along the track to see if they would spark. Then we hear a weird rustling sound under the bridge.  
"Ty go check it out," said Justin.
"No way man," squeaked Ty. 
"Jaime, you go see," said Autumn.
"Are you on crack?! you go see! 
"No way man, that's scary," shrieked Autumn. 
So we just kept walking because we were all too scared to check it out. 
"Autumn stop dragging your feet. It's annoying," I mentioned.
"It's not me!" she said.
I turned around and notice that there was a crazy hobo man following us! 
chooo! chooo! 
We could hear the train in the distance so Autumn and I ran past the crazy hobo man and didn't look back. We left Ty and Justin to fend for themselves. Next we see Justin running and screaming past  us. 
"see ya!" he shouted. 
So now it was Ty vs. the hobo. Ty had the drink, and the hobo was super thirsty. Ty forgot to turn around and just kept running in the direction towards the train. The hobo was getting uncomfortably close to Ty, but he refused to give up his soda. 
Choooo! chooo!
The train was getting closer and Ty still wasn't back yet. 
The next thing we hear is a SPLAT....and that was the end of Ty. The crazy hobo man picked up Ty's drink and shouted "YIPPEE MY FAVORITE." And started skipping down the tracks. 

Just kidding no one died. But the crazy hobo man was real! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

He see's everything black and white

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know 

AHH! i found my old taylor swift cd's. 
So i thought today would be a t-swift kind of day!
16 DAYS till schools out...
no more seeing my roomie everyday. 
no more adventures with Autumn and Justin
no more acting like children and making forts, and playing with playdoh 
aw shucks thats sad :(

<--- That was taken at bronco bash way back in September!
and look at us now!

I'm really gonna miss this kid, even though her parents pay me to be her friend.... JUST KIDDING! 

 I'm hoping summer will go by fast.. but not too fast, i do like being at home!

This picture was taken last weekend! --->

Oh poop. 
its 3:09 I've got a math exam at 3:30
It's time to put on my confidence hat and pass!

well i hope i'll pass.... 

Adios my fellow classmates
I'm off to take my math exam!
wish me luck!

i really need it!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


We are eating pepper and chips... 

Let me tell you about my epic day!

I was walking to Autumn's room when all of a sudden a great big zombie bear popped out of the forest right by valley two. I ran as fast as I could and it seemed to run just as fast as me. I called Autumn
"Autumn its me, Jaime." I said panting.
"Jaime? what's happening?" Autumn said with slight worry in her voice.
"I need you to get the rope ladder and throw it out the window. I'll be there in 5."
I hung up the phone and ran. The zombie bear was still chasing me. Just keep running I thought. You're almost there. I run down the side alley and saw the rope ladder.    
Without hesitating I climb up the rope ladder all the way to the third floor. I was climbing as fast as I could so the zombie bear wouldn't make it. I hurled myself into Autumn's bedroom and shut the window. 
"What the hell is going on Jaime?"
"I don't know. This zombie bear just came after me and now its after us!"
This wasn't even the worst part. Find out what happens next on Autumn's blog!

Only TWO more days till I get to see Sydney!! 
This is so exciting. It's going to be epic.
I also get to see Jordan! Super excited.

this is jaime
signing out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Terrific Tuesday.

Just to let you all know that I have a severe Full House obsession. Each year for christmas I would ask for a new season. After 5 years I have successfully collected all 8 seasons!

Yes I know, some of you may think I'm pathetic buuuuuuuuut I can't help it.
I always liked Uncle Jesse, It would be pretty tight to have him as your Uncle.


It was so hard to get out of bed this morning! First I heard my roommates alarm clock, and thought it was mine. Then my alarm clock goes off and Aimee thought that it was hers.


We chat all the time! And we've been besties since kindergarten!

OH! Autumn, Justin, and I also made a super cool fort today! IT WAS HUGE! On the outside it looked super small, but no. It was awesome!

24 days of school left
77 days till summer
97 days till my birthday
248ish days till move in!

Annotated Bib:

Murphy, Dean E. "Chapter 4." September 11: an Oral History. New York: Doubleday, 2002

September 11: An Oral history was meant to inform the readers on a such an important piece of our nations history. This book goes through the plans of the September 11th terrorist attacks. This book would generally be used for a source in a research project.

Allan, Stuart and Zelizer, Barbie. Journalism After September 11. London: Routledge, 2000. Print

Journalism After September 11th was a very good book and was meant to inform the readers. It gives the readers a different perspective by reading a Journal. This would be best used as a footnoted source.

Outman James, Outman Elizabeth. Terrorism Biographies

The Terrorism Biographies give us the information about the terrorist attackers. It gives us an inside in what its like to be a for them to be a terrorist in there country.
to be continued.